Dr. Jeff Tarrant

Dr. Tarrant is the founder and Director of Psychic Mind Science and the NeuroMeditation Institute in Eugene, OR. He is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. Dr. Tarrant specializes in teaching, clinical applications, and research combining technology- based interventions with meditative states for improved mental health. His research focuses on exploring brainwave changes that occur as a result of contemplative practices, technological interventions, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and psi related abilities. Dr. Tarrant is the author of the books Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain and Becoming Psychic: Lessons from the Minds of Mediums, Healers, and Psychics.

Dr. Tarrant’s exploration of psychics and mediums has been featured on the Dr. Oz show, in the Huffington Post, on Coast-to-Coast AM, in the New York bestselling book The Light Between Us by Laura Lynne Jackson, The Telepathy Tapes Podcast, and the documentary Celestial Channeling.

To learn more about Dr. Tarrant’s work, please visit his website: www.DrJeffTarrant.Me


In 2012, I was invited to study the brainwave activity of Janet Mayer, a woman who demonstrated channeling abilities. She could spontaneously speak four different South American tribal languages although she had no idea what she was saying. These languages were verified by an anthropologist who translated these speeches as prayers and teachings. After this experience, I was left with more questions than answers. How could this be possible? What does it mean? And what are the implications regarding consciousness?

This led to similar experiments with mediums, psychics, energy healers, and practitioners of psychokinesis. Repeatedly, I found interesting brainwave patterns that started to tell a story. While there are many individual differences, there are also consistent brain regions and brainwave patterns involved in these psi abilities.

The next step in this journey is to use this knowledge to help others explore their potential. By working with various neurostimulation technologies, meditations, and non-ordinary states of consciousness, it may be possible to enhance or develop these seemingly superhuman abilities in anyone that is interested.